He is a Super Attention Seeker lor... After his mummy left for work, he begins his plot to "tekan" his daddy.... After feeding him milk, I try to make him sleep on the rocker but he was whining and keep wanting to flip over on his stomach. Bo Bian, carry him up and put on my lap lor.. then he happy.. and after awhile, a bit tired liao.. put him back on his rocker, then he cry again... wah lao.. once i carry him up, he smile... tekan lor.. finally after a few routine of carry him up and down, clean his poo poo and also giving him rice cereal.. he decided to give me a breather and sleep awhile..
Afternoon: he start his tekan session at 1pm again.. after milk, refuse to sleep, flip over and then vomit some milk on his shirt and also the floor,.. making a mess.. give him biscuit treat, he bite until very messy lor.. all over himself... refuse to sleep.. so i carry up walk walk, then he vomit a bit of milk on me.. wah lau.... I am already perspiring, smelly and tired liao.. all the way until 3.30pm then he decided to take a nap.. finally can take my lunch..
Then immediately after I finish my lunch, horrified to see him staring at me with his eyes big big.. I goes, Siao Liao... true enough, after he confirm that I am looking at him, he start to give me that typical "I wan to cry liao, u better carry me" look... So I carry him again.. walk walk, let him sit down and watch TV until about 6 plus which he is getting more and more agitated le... time for him to clean up..
Cleaning him is getting more challenging as he likes to move about, likes to grab anything within reach, and plus I think he is hungry ler.. so he is almost crying and whining thru out the clean session. AFter that I am already soaking with sweat and smelly... then quickly prepare milk for him and then he finally sleep...
Then when his mummy come back, he wakes up and give her the cutest, sweetest angelic smile lor.. wah lau eh... bully his daddy leh....
Despite all his tekan, I manage to take some pics.. enjoy..he is cute la.. nevertheless..LOL